Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Looking forward to this year.
Things seem to be lining up in our favor.
"They say working is best because poverty is hell on a man". Not sure who "they" is but I do understand. We are both starting the year with new employment. J switched directions and took on a new career. He is now working for a grown-up company considered to be one of the top 10 places in Portland to be employed. I am helping a start up company get off the ground and working security at a local concert venue. Crazy but hopefully will provide me with some interesting things to talk about.
The girls are all a year older and doing what they are supposed to be doing. Mostly. Jack the dog continues to provide all of us with entertainment and love. We have some adventures planned for the year. In places where they don't speak English and roads are still unpaved.

And we are ending 2007 on a great note. Numerous gatherings and parties and chances to connect with old and current friends. Friends from afar coming in and out of town. A friend's wedding to tie it all together. Too much good food and an iron chef competition is happening at our house before the end of the year. Christmas was nice. Added bonus on Christmas Day. We were watching It's a Wonderful Life. The scene at the end when George Baily finally figures it out. He is running through the streets and the snow is coming down, hard. It started snowing at that point for us. I don't think it has snowed on Christmas Day in Portland for 18 years. It was lovely.
I think I will like 2008.

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